The Poetry Of The East William Rounseville Alger
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. The Poetry Of The East
Travailler en francais en enterprise: Guide pedagogique: Niveaux A1/A2 du CECR Peggy Macouet-Dubois
Поступления - 2009 г. - Январь - Июль
. En entreprise est un cours de francais professionnel de niveau elementaire (A1/A2). Il a ete concu pour des etudiants dont le francais fait partie du projet professionnel, ou des personnes deja integrees au monde du travail. Ce guide propose: une exploitation pedagogique originale, destinee a rnaintenir I'interet des etudiants, qui encourage les pratiques reflexives et l'autonomisation, par des activites de remediation; un affichage clair des contenus et des objectifs de chaque unite, et des competences travaillees dans chaque activite; des dizaines d'activites facultatives, a realiser en preliminaire ou en complement des activites du livre, qui favorisent l'interactivite, en groupes et en groupe classe; des suggestions de demarches pedagogiques alternatives, pour adapter les activites aux profils et aux besoins des etudiants. Egalement dans ce guide: des fiches photocopiables, pour realiser certaines activites...
Introduction to Dynamics and Control Leonard Meirovitch
Книги издательства Willey, Новые поступления - 2010г. - Ноябрь
. An integrated presentation of dynamics, vibrations, and control theory, emphasizing the fundamentals of dynamics. The text?s flexible structure makes it useful for integrated courses covering all three areas, individual courses in dynamics, and as a quick refresher for professionals. Includes examples, problems and applications.
Fast Cars and Bad Girls: Nomadic Subjects and Women's Road Stories (Travel Writing Across the Disciplines: Theory and Pedagogy) Deborah Paes De Barros
. Book DescriptionIn this brilliant study, Deborah Paes de Barros opens with a powerful analysis of the richness, complexity, and ambiguity of the tropes of travel, the road, frontier, the questing American hero, and the journey as symbolic of male power struggles to control space, time, and borders. Against this dominant male genre of the road novel, Fast Cars and Bad Girls reveals the ways that nomadic female road heroes in the works of women and minoritized writers from Mary Rowlandson to Paula Sharp challennge, resist, and disrupt the hegemonic, patriarchal order. By rejecting the rules of the road, boundaries, and genres, the women writers examined here create nomadic communities of lovers, children, and sisters bonded by love rather than by social conventions and gives us texts that expand the horizons of American fiction. This exciting book opens new territory for the study of American fiction. Emory Elliott, University Professor, University of California, Riverside,...
A Job Ain't Nothing but Work Emanuel Carpenter
Лидерство, Секреты успеха, Мотивация, Секреты успеха, HR менеджмент, Разное
This office based book documents the stupidity that people endure when going through the process of finding, working, and losing a job. Carpenter discusses creative ways of dealing with a range of topics such as receiving rejection letters, using the bathroom at work, understanding the psychos you call co-workers, getting sentenced to a cubicle, the consequences of not being a "team player," getting fired, plotting your revenge, and many other side splitting topics that are sure to keep you bent over with laughter.